Genesis One

Like almost any Biblical doctrine you could name, false teachings abound about the account of creation found in Genesis chapter one.

Does the Bible really teach that the earth and the universe are only a few (six to ten) thousand years old? Were there previous epochs of biological life on the earth? Was the universe really created from “nothing,” according to Scripture? Does it make sense that incredibly complex organisms such as exist on earth, could originate through a series of blind “accidents,” as the theory of evolution asserts? Has the universe eternally existed? Will it come to an end? What does the Bible say?

You may be surprised at how different the revelation in Genesis one is, when compared with the rest of the Bible, from what you may have heard. The Bible is often scoffed at by people who think they know a lot, but are woefully ignorant of what it actually teaches.

Listen to this message and find the answers to these and more intriguing questions of vital importance to your understanding.

“Genesis One” audio recording by Rod Reynolds, COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Husband: Love Your Wife

Lasting, happy marriages are fundamental to producing stable and secure families. Building sound marriages can begin with the heads of families. How can husbands fulfill God’s command to love their wives?

“Husband: Love Your Wife” by Rod Reynolds, Cogmessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

God Condemns Abuse

A woman who grew up in a Church of God family reports that her mother was severely beaten during those years. Her father claimed he beat her mother to “get her under submission,” and that the beatings were necessary for her salvation and to beat “Satan out of her.”

He beat her with various objects, including a Bible. He was careful to leave bruises only where they could be covered up, so it wouldn’t be obvious to others what was happening.

He not only administered frequent beatings, but also abused her verbally and mentally. He berated her, calling her filthy names, and used various tactics to keep her in a state of cowering fear, uncertainty, and mental anguish.

The man’s “church face,” however, was quite the opposite of his behavior at home. In public he was kind and courteous, complimenting his wife, doing acts of service for others in the Church. For years, few knew or suspected that he was an abuser, although some later admitted they knew “something bad” was going on, but did not know what to do about it.

Unfortunately, this story is only one of who knows how many examples of abuse that have occurred among families in the Church of God over the years. I know personally of several similar examples.

It’s important that we understand what abuse is and what God’s word really teaches about it. We need to understand clearly that there is never a justification for abusive conduct, and that God condemns abuse.

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Are You Committed?

Today we live in an age often characterized by lack of commitment. As a result, individual lives are destroyed. Needless misery, unhappiness, poverty and crime proliferate. Society is disintegrating, and the entire world is on a path to catastrophe. Both personal salvation and the survival of mankind demand the right kind of commitment. Are you committed to God and his way of life? Continue reading