Jesus Our Teacher

Jesus came as a teacher, as well as for other purposes. Jesus’ students are called disciples. Rod Reynolds explains from the Bible what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Our Teacher” COGMessenger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

How to be a Real Christian

In the world today there are well over 2 billion people who claim to be Christian. Among those claiming to be Christian are represented a wide assortment of beliefs and practices that are often contradictory not only to each other, but are often exactly the opposite of what Jesus Christ himself believed, taught and practiced. One dictionary definition of a Christian is one who professes belief in Jesus as Christ. Is a Christian just anyone who claims to be a Christian? If not exactly what does it mean, from the standpoint of Scripture, to be a Christian? What makes one a Christian in God’s sight?

In this article is information that can help you understand how you can become a true Christian, or if you are a real Christian, how you can remain one.

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